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Subject: My Trip to FIP

  Posted by: Tree - Sustainer [599393013] Fri, Nov 18, 2005, 09:59

this is what i wrote on the ROH boards about FIP (FullImpactPro), an indy in Florida that happens to be booked by Gabe Sapolsky, who books Ring of Honor.

its a fairly small indy, but it gets some big name wrestlers, usually a combo of ROH stars (Danielson, Aries, Samoa Joe, Roderick Strong), florida-based wrestlers (Roderick Strong again, Steve Madison, Erick Stevens, the amazing Heartbreak Express tag team), along with a WWE-level name now and then, like X-Pac.


forget all the arguments about which ROH crowd is best. the FIP (that's FIP, rhymes with trip, not F-I-P) crowd in Inverness, FL simply rules all.

for starters, the venue rocked. after pulling into the parking lot that seemed like the right parking, it turned out the be the wrong parking lot. we ended up parking in a field - next to an outdoor rodeo arena, and a race track - complete with cars roaring around the track!

we walk in, and sure enough, the outdoor rodeo arena - complete with a dirt floor, is the venue, as the FIP ring was sitting in the middle of that dirt floor.

we searched for some empty bleacher seats, and sure enough, right next to Greg H, right there in the front row, was a couple spot for myself and the girl. we also met Kreeton and Rob T (and a few other folks, who's names i either didn't get, or i forgot), and we all just had a grand ol' time in a world where heels are heels and faces are faces, and rarely in the twain shall they meet.

this place had it all. from little kids climbing fences to yell at the heels to skinny adults climbing THROUGH the fences to challenge the heels.

that was a highlight for me. Bryan Danielson, that beard-growing jerk (yes folks, signs of facial hair on the Dragon!), antagonized the crowd, and showed his true, devious colors. he challenged anyone from the crowd to take him on, and one brave lad did. Dragon put him down in nothing flat.

then, another man emerged from the crowd, literally pulling his super skinny body through the rodeo fence. a ref stopped him from entering the ring, but as soon as the ref turned around, there was the guy climbing into the ring, to no doubt face certain doom. This brought out Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, and a few others to no doubt stomp a mudhole in this poor guy, but fortunately, the ref and lenny leonard talked him out of the ring before he could do some damage, and embarass that big jerkface, Bryan Danielson.

the matches were fun. people cheered the faces (Roderick Strong is SO the man in Florida - straight up, it reminded me of the pops Dusty Rhodes got in Florida when i was a kid), and booed the heels (Dave Prazak - what a butthole! in fact, all of DP associates. What buttholes!). kids and adults clucking like chickens at the heels. roaring in approval at the faces!

it's also nice to go to wrestling and see a wrestler not hit his move completely or blow a spot, and not hear one "you f*cked up, you f*cked up"....

my words won't do it justice, but this is what wrestling is about. i know i'll get heat for this, but a lot of ROH wrestling fans wouldn't "get" what FIP is about - and that's classic old school wrestling. high spots when they're needed, power moves pulled out in desperation, hot tags to make people nuts, and the perfect dichotomy of heel vs. face.

Saturday night wasn't any different. just a bunch of folks having fun, kids running around and telling the heels what they thought of them, and just a whole lot of fun. this is truly what wrestling is supposed to be about.

also, as much as i hate them, i also hate to see folks get injured. i'd like to wish a quick recovery to Danielson, Prazak, Austin Aries, Jimmy Rave, and Adam Pearce, all of whom suffered mysterious lower back injuries at the end of Saturday's main event.

it was weird. after Strong injured Danielson's back to get the pinfall, Dragon's stablemates all came to the ring to attend to him, and one by one over the course of 10 to 15 minutes, went down with the same ailment.

really, really odd. i hope they get well soon.
1Great One
      ID: 4910431620
      Fri, Nov 18, 2005, 10:09
very interesting... :)

Florida is a strange place.
      ID: 599393013
      Fri, Nov 18, 2005, 11:44
on other thing about my trip that i found entertaining (and i post things like this here, instead of on true wrestling boards, mostly because: a - i'm not trying to brag, just talking amongst friends here, and b - there tend to be less idiots than the guy who challenged me, but disappeared, in the other thread), was going out to eat after the saturday night show with Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, Erick Stevens, his girlfriend, and my girlfriend.

we place our drink orders. everyone gets their orders. Except Austin Aries. everyone has a good laugh.

we place our appetizer orders. everyone gets their orders. Except Austin Aries. everyone has a bigger laugh, except Austin. he's irked.

we place our dinner orders. everyone gets there. except, of course, for Austin. at this point, it's hysterical, and Austin is seething...

at one point during dinner, i mentioned a roller coaster at Busch Gardens we were going to ride the next day, called Sheikra...

only i called it Shakira, as i had all weekend, and that started Joe on a discussion on how he'd like to ride Shakira too. in fact, he said, he was going to drive down to Miami tomorrow, find her, and ride her.

quite an entertaining evening.
      ID: 07724916
      Fri, Nov 18, 2005, 13:09
Aries getting heel heat even in a restaurant! Gotta love it.
      ID: 599393013
      Fri, Nov 18, 2005, 13:15
he would just look around, and throw his hands up - like any of us would do if the same thing kept happening...